Spain +34 622 375 955

| Portugal +351 800 180 183

Quality policy

PhotonExport is committed to research, development and innovation, to ensure sustainability in the latest technological advancement of thin films and nanotechnologies by providing quality materials, which are customized to the specific needs and prioritizing price and / or according to the requirements of our customers.

  • Sputtering Targets
  • Evaporation materials
  • Glass: borosilicates, ITO (Indium Zinc Oxide), FTO
  • Crystals
  • Silicon Wafers
  • PVD, PECVD equipment

In PhotonExport we are focused on the Industrial and Research Areas: thin films, materials, microelectronics, nanotechnology, microscopy, physical vapor deposition.

The objective of our Quality Policy is the consolidation of this reality which is constantly improving.

For us Quality is to know the context of our organization, what our expectations and needs are, to be able to fulfill them without errors and in the shortest possible time, always complying with applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

The Quality Management System according to the UNE-EN-ISO 9001: 2015 standard of PhotonExport, aims at enhancing the collaboration of all the participants of the company, making them aware of the importance of their activities, how they contribute to the achievement of Quality Objectives, and how they support the analysis and control of identified risks and opportunities.

Consistent with the responsibility assumed, it provides the necessary resources for the fulfillment of this policy, using the corresponding tools to control the process and thus be able to collaborate with our stakeholders and to identify to the maximum their expectations and needs.

In accordance with this Policy we establish Quality Objectives at all levels, monitoring the degree of compliance, so that we can measure our improvement.

PhotonExport Management periodically reviews the Quality Management System to ensure its continued suitability, appropriateness and effectiveness.

This review evaluates the opportunities for improvement of the system and control of the processes, and detects the needs of changes in the Quality System, the Policy or the Quality Objectives.